On December 9 we will give an online training, especially for everyone who would like to get acquainted with the concept of trauma. Discover what it is, how it works and what impact it can have on your life.
Learn how to recognize, identify and categorize “Invisible Attachment Trauma” and how to design a case conceptualization and treatment plan.
Learn how to reconstruct the symptoms into corresponding dissociative continuums and how to apply this knowledge to your practice.
How Peace Is Shaped by Healing the Fragmented Self
Doris gives a workshop at the ISSTD Virtual Congress, May15-17, 2020 USA
“Despicable Me” Dissociative Shame in Children: A Journey Towards Wholeness
Despicable Me : Dissociative Shame in Children Resulting from Attachment Trauma.
A Journey towards Wholeness
Doris geeft een workshop over De gevolgen van “onzichtbaar hechtingstrauma’ op het psychobiologisch functioneren in de volwassenheid en behandelmogelijkheden.
Doris gives a workshop : Neuropsychotherapy as tool in working with Complex PTSD in Children who have been affected by “ Invisible” Attachment Trauma.
Doris gives 2 presentations
- "Is there anybody out there...? ”Disorganized attachment style and the drama triangle in children. A therapeutic toolbox.
Neuropsychotherapy as a tool in working with C-PTSD in children who have been affected by “Invisible Attachment Trauma” (IAT)
July 22–24, 2019
Whitelands College, University of Roehampton, London
Doris gives a 3 day workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This was commissioned by Carpe Diem Counseling & Consulting, Penang. 30 may 2019 - 2 jun 2019
Workshop Objectives:
At the end of workshop, participants will be able:
1. To identify trauma in children and its effect on child development
2. To recognise and define the developmental consequences and neurobiological effects of trauma in children and adolescents
3. To practise and integrate various treatment approaches of trauma clinical intervention in therapy working with children and adolescents
“Is there anybody out there...?” Disorganized attachment style and the drama triangle in children who suffered from ” invisible” attachment trauma. A therapeutic toolbox.
“Mom, there’s a monster in the closet”: How do attachment, trauma and anxiety disorders interact? Linking early attachment trauma to the development of anxiety disorders and treatment possibilities"
13th Iternational Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
“There Is a Little Voice Inside My Head”.“Invisible” Attachment Trauma and Suicide in Children, and Healing Strategies. a Case Study
“Mom, there’s a monster in the closet”: How do attachment, trauma and anxiety disorders interact? Linking early attachment trauma to the development of anxiety disorders and treatment possibilities"
“i Love You, My Killer”: “invisible” Attachment Trauma Resulting in Adult Traumatic Bonding, and Healing Strategies
“There Is a Little Voice Inside My Head”.“Invisible” Attachment Trauma and Suicide in Children, and Healing Strategies. a Case Study
"Mom, there's a monster in the closet": How do attachment, trauma and anxiety disorders interact ?
Mom there's a monster in the closet
Ghosts from the past
Trauma in children and healing capacities.
The use of EMDR in the treatment of attachment trauma in children.